


1.     一般規定

1.     在本條款及條件內,下列詞語定義如下:

a.  「客戶」指閣下及所有以閣下的網頁購買貨品的其他人士。

b.  「知識產權」指任何性質的所有知識產權,包括(但不限於)專利、設計、商標、數據庫或版權(不論是否已經註冊或可以何種方式註冊),以及提交上述各項註冊申請的權利。

c.  「免責聲明」 指gift330網上商店服務適用的免責聲明。

d.  「個人資料及私隱聲明」 指gift330就處理從本網頁收集所得的個人資料所採納的政策,和gift330就處理客戶和本網頁訪客的個人私隱所採納的政策。

e.  「價格」指貨品於訂購當日的價格。

f.   「貨品」指在gift330網上商店網頁上提供出售的任何及所有貨品。

g.  「gift330」,即在gift330網上商店網頁上出售貨品的賣方。

h.  「gift330網上商店」指由gift330擁有的本互聯網網頁,gift330透過本網頁向客戶提供出售貨品。

2.     gift330透過本網頁銷售的所有貨品均在本條款及條件的規限下進行銷售。閣下在gift330網上商店網頁上發出購貨單,要求我們處理,即表示閣下確認閣下已經閱讀、明白並同意發出購貨單時所列示的條款及條件。

3.     本條款及條件包括「免責聲明」和「個人資料及私隱聲明」;如與任何其他據稱具有合約效力的文件(包括任何gift330的店舖政策文件)有任何不符之處,概以本條款及條件為準。

4.     客戶同意提供完整和最新的資料,以辦理本網頁登記手續。如要辦理信用卡付款登記,客戶須向gift330提供正確及完整的信用卡資料,並向gift330聲明及保證客戶已獲授權合法使用該信用卡(有關詳情已經提供)。

5.     gift330擁有絕對酌情權,可以任何理由拒絕為任何準客戶進行登記或以任何理由終止任何客戶的登記。

6.     客戶同意支付任何以其網頁登記發出的購貨單,並且同意就由於任何人士使用其網頁登訂購貨品而致任何第三方提出的一切索償、損失及損害賠償,向gift330作出賠償。倘若其信用卡記錄資料有任何變更或其信用卡遺失、被盜竊或未經授權使用,該客戶須負責通知其有關銀行。

7.     gift330須盡一切努力完成客戶透過gift330網上商店網頁所發出的每份購貨單,但倘若gift330基於任何理由(包括貨品短缺或供應情況變化)拒絕或無法完成任何一份購貨單,gift330一概毋須就此向任何人士承擔任何責任。

8.     儘管有第1.7條的規定,gift330保留權利,在全權認為任何購貨單因信貸方面的原因並不可靠時,可拒絕接納該份購貨單。

9.     所有訂購須由gift330全權決定並根據存貨供應而接受。

2.     價格

1.     gift330網上商店網頁所列出之貨品價格為港幣價格,尚未包括稅項、進口稅或適用稅率的增值稅。

2.     所有價格和優惠,於公佈時有效。除非在專利錯誤情況,產品價格以訂單獲接納時網站上顯示的港幣價格為準。

3.     如果閣下的信用卡並非以港幣計值,訂單最終價格將按閣下信用卡公司處理交易當天的匯率計算。

4.     gift330須盡一切努力確保gift330網上商店網頁上載列的貨品價格、資料和大小均已更新,但gift330保留權利可變更貨品的價格及其他資料,毋須作出通知。

5.     gift330網上商店網頁上宣傳的貨品價格僅供網上購物之用。若干貨品的價格可能與gift330有關店舖門市收取的價格有別。

6.     並非所有貨品的大小均會完全符合網頁上提供的描述。gift330保留權利按最接近的價格提供大小最為接近的貨品。

7.     網上提供的賬單與最終發出的賬單或有差異,這可能是由於缺貨、替換貨品、特別優惠、每日價格的變動及量重貨品的影響。gift330保留權利對網上提供的賬單作出調整,而此等調整均會列明於送貨時交給客戶的最終賬單上。

8.     倘若客戶要求對任何購貨單作出變更而gift330予以接納,就此購貨單應付的價格將因應所作出的變更而調整;此等調整均會列明於送貨時交給客戶的最終賬單上。

9.     gift330可不時就個別客戶設定信用限額,並且gift330保留權利可就任何銷售設立限制,包括有權拒絕將貨品銷售予轉售貨品的人士。


3.     付款

1.     gift330網上商店網頁訂購的貨品可以信用卡(VISA/Master) 付款。閣下須確認用於付款時使用的信用卡或附屬卡屬於閣下本人,或獲持卡人授權使用。所有信用卡或附屬卡持卡人或會經發卡中心核實身份或授權。如果我們不獲閣下付款卡的發卡中心授權收取費用,我們將不會因由此引起的暫緩或停止送貨而負責。

2.     gift330將盡一切努力為閣下處理訂單申請和付款資料保密,惟我們不會在非因我方疏忽、閣下瀏覽我們的網站或訂購期間,因第三者未經授權取得閣下的任何資料而導致的任何損失負上任何責任。

3.     gift330可於任何時間變更gift330網上購物的付款方式,此等變更可能以電郵、郵遞傳單或在本網頁上發出通告的方式通知客戶。


4.     送貨

1.     香港地區

a.      gift330會於確認收到款項後十四個工作天內處理客戶的訂單,並以電郵確認訂單。寄出貨品後,亦以電郵通知客户。公眾假期、當8號(或以上)風球懸掛或黑色暴雨訊號懸掛時,將不會安排寄貨。

b.     本地送貨服務不包括愉景灣、離島區、羅湖、邊境地區、各區村屋及郵政信箱地址。

c.      如因gift330無法控制的原因導致送貨服務有任何延誤或未能送貨,gift330一概毋須承擔任何責任。

d.     客戶必須提供正確之送貨地址,送貨地址如有任何變更,客戶有責任即時通知gift330。

e.     gift330保留權利可絕對酌情決定拒絕向任何客戶送付貨品。

2.     海外地區



5.     變更 / 取消購貨單

1.     客戶訂單一經確認,不可作任何變更或取消。

2.     若客戶原來選購的貨品缺貨,在客戶同意下,gift330可以類似貨品代替。

3.     若未經客戶事先同意,gift330不會以類似貨品代替任何缺貨的貨品。


6.     所有權

1.     貨品的所有風險在貨品送達後轉移給客戶,但gift330保留該等貨品的所有權,直至有關貨品的價款結清為止。


7.     退貨 / 退款

1.     本網頁上貨品的圖片只供參考。在此等情況下,應以貨品的書面說明為準。客戶並無權基於貨品與網上圖片不完全相符的原因而退回該貨品。

2.     gift330須在合理範圍內盡力確保準確地依照購貨單要求送貨,如有任何差異,若客戶於送貨後三個工作天內電郵至 gift330@nlpra.org.hk 或致電gift330 電話號碼:(852)2778 6023申報該等差異,gift330會按下列程序處理:

a.     如證實任何貨品於送貨時已經損壞或已超過其使用期限或漏送或送付的貨品有錯誤,gift330須向客戶退還有關貨品的價格或更換有關貨品,gift330亦有權在批准退回有問題的貨品前,要求閣下提出照片證據。

b.     如客戶的購貨單內並無選購的貨品誤送至該客戶,gift330網上商店保留取回該誤送貨品的權利。

c.      如客戶已就任何並未獲送付的貨品支付價款,gift330須向該客戶退還就該貨品曾向客戶收取的價格。

d.     如客戶被收取高於該貨品價格的款項,gift330須將差額退還該客戶。

e.     gift330於送貨後三日後不會作出任何退款或換貨或更正差異情況。

3.     所有退貨商品必須以與收貨時相同的狀態,並保留所有原有標籤,以原有包裝退回,否則恕不接受退貨。

4.     gift330就任何已送付貨品的責任只限於上文所述的退款或更換貨品。所有其他補救方法均被排除於適用範圍之外。

5.     任何退款均按gift330的選擇存入在登記表格上列明的該客戶的信用卡戶口或退回現金。


8.     不可抗力

1.     若gift330由於「不可抗力」而受到妨礙,不能履行其根據gift330網上商店網頁規定的責任(包括因火災、災難事故、意外、天災、自然災害、香港特別行政區政府或其任何政府機構頒布的法律、命令、公告、條例、要求或規定、罷工、勞資爭議、工人短缺或缺乏熟練工人、貨物或原料短缺或供應不足、運送延誤或gift330無法合理控制的其他原因(不論是否與前述各項類似而造成的妨礙),gift330應在受妨礙的範圍內獲豁免於履行上述責任。


9.     條款及條件的變更

1.     gift330保留權利,可按其絕對酌情權修改本條款及條件。客戶須自行負責在發出任何購貨單前先查閱本條款及條件。購貨單一經發出,客戶即須視作已接受當時有效的條款及條件。


10.   準據文字

1.     若本文之翻譯本有任何歧異,須以英文本為準。


11.   適用法律







A.     個人資料(私隱)條例

1.     客戶授權gift330為下列目的收集、保留及使用客戶的個人資料:

a.     向客戶提供網上購物服務;

b.     辦理客戶的交易及付款事宜;

c.      辦理客戶的信用額申請及評估客戶的信用可靠程度;

d.     辦理與客戶的往來或交易事宜,向客戶提供持續服務;

e.     執行gift330對客戶可能享有的任何法律上或其他權利,包括信用調查及追收欠款;

f.       向客戶發出任何廣告及 / 或宣傳材料;

g.     為客戶推出新服務進行研究;

h.     按客戶的需要編制本網頁的內容及整合客戶的購物單;

i.       就特別優惠、新貨品、本網頁的更新資料及推廣活動通知客戶;

j.       就客戶的行為和特徵進行統計分析,以便量度對本網頁不同部分的興趣和使用程度,並向有關廣告商提供該等分析資料以及有關曾經獲展示或曾經點選其連線欄目的使用者數目的資料;

k.      作出gift330認為為上述任何目的所需的披露。

2.     客戶進一步授權gift330從客戶或gift330可獲得的任何其他資料來源收集有關客戶的個人資料,該等資料來源包括但不限於信貸資料機構、客戶的銀行(現時及以前的)、向客戶提供產品及服務的任何其他供應商及與客戶有聯繫的其他人士或公司。

3.     客戶知道,倘若其提供的個人資料不足夠或未獲gift330信納,您的gift330會員登記申請可能不獲接納。

4.     客戶知道,客戶提供的任何個人資料將由gift330保留,並可由gift330的僱員及gift330聘用的其他人士或法團為A.1所述目的而查閱或由個人資料及私隱聲明所述的第三方查閱,客戶並授權gift330向該等第三方披露客戶所提供的全部或任何部分個人資料。

5.     客戶承認gift330可保留客戶提供的所有個人資料,即使在客戶的登記已取消或撤回之後,gift330仍可繼續以市務推廣資料與客戶聯絡。

B.     保密

1.     由gift330持有關於其網上客戶或本網頁訪客的個人資料將保密處理,但gift330可將此等資料提供予第三方,包括但不限於gift330的廣告商、關聯公司或就gift330向其網上客戶及本網頁訪客提供的服務而為gift330經辦有關事務的承辦商 / 代理或其他網絡營運商。

2.     任何由網上客戶及訪客傳送或登載於本網頁或其中任何部分而屬於個人資料以外的問題、意見、建議或資料,均視作以非保密及非專有資料的形式自願提供予gift330。gift330保留權利在其他地方自由使用、複製、披露、傳送、刊載、廣播及 / 或登載該等資料,包括為產品及服務的開發、製造和推廣及為滿足客戶的需要等目的而將該等資料提供給任何關聯公司。

C.     個人資料的安全


1.     使安全措施更為嚴密;

2.     使網上客戶可繼續瀏覽網頁並將貨品存記於其購物籃內;

3.     按個別客戶的需要為其編制網頁以供其個別使用;

4.     建立網上客戶或訪客的簡介。


D.     連線網頁

E.     查閱資料的權利

1.     客戶知道其根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》有權查閱gift330持有的個人資料,要求更正該等資料並獲通知就上述要求已採取的相應行動,及 / 或要求在該等資料附有一份由客戶向gift330提供的有關客戶已要求更正資料的陳述。gift330若因其配合客戶這方面的要求所付出的時間及行政工作而收取合理費用,客戶同意向gift330支付該等費用。

2.     客戶如對gift330的個人資料及私隱政策有任何疑問,或如欲要求查閱的個人資料或更正該等資料,可將其要求以書面方式寄送至下列地址:






1. 知識產權

1.     本網頁及網頁內提供的任何資料,包括但不限於文字、美術作品、圖標、圖像及商標,均受gift330或第三方擁有或管控的版權、設計、商標及其他知識產權所保護。在未經gift330事先書面同意前,閣下不得以任何方式為任何目的將本網頁的內容或其任何部分複印、複製、再刊發、上載、下載、載錄、傳送、儲存於檢索系統內、變更、更改或向公眾顯示或分發。

2.     本網頁內知識產權所附有的全部權利、所有權和權益,在任何時間均屬gift330及其他第三方擁有的財產。在未經gift330或該等其他第三方書面明確同意前,顧客及網頁訪客概不得使用該等知識產權。

2. 保證

1.     在法律允許的範圍內,對於所供應貨品就任何目的之適用性或合用性、就任何情況的耐受性能、與樣品的相似性、適銷性或任何其他方面,gift330明確表示拒絕作出任何保證、說明、陳述或意見。

2.     gift330的任何代理或代表並未獲授權就本網頁內的資料作出任何保證、聲明或陳述,gift330在任何方面均不受任何此等未經授權作出的保證、聲明或陳述的約束。

3. 責任限制

1.     閣下登入及使用本網頁,即代表閣下確認及接受閣下須就本網頁的使用,自承風險。對於任何因使用、登入或無法使用本網頁而產生的直接、間接、附帶、後果性或懲罰性的損害或有關利潤或收益損失的損害賠償,gift330概不承擔任何責任。在不影響前文規定的前提下:

2.     gift330對其根據合約、侵權行為或在其他方面就貨品的缺陷或不合規格或gift330違反其根據本條款及條件的任何責任直接或間接引起的任何損失、損害或傷害所須承擔的責任,在任何情況下不超過相等於該等貨品價格的款額。

3.     gift330毋須就任何種類的後果、間接或特別損害賠償或損失承擔責任,亦無須就顧客的服務人員、代理人、買家或其他人士造成的損害或損失負責。

4.     顧客須確保貨品不會用於不適當的用途,並且須負責以一切必要的技能及審慎態度處理及使用貨品。顧客明確承認及同意gift330概無須就貨品所附有的任何意見或資料承擔責任,gift330亦無須對任何該等資料的不確或不實負責。顧客接受貨品時,須自行承擔全部風險。


4. 連線網頁

1.     本網頁可能載有通往其他網址或網頁的連線點,此等網址或網頁並非由gift330設立或管控,gift330就此概不承擔任何責任。每當閣下啟動任何此等連線網址或網頁時,即已離開本網頁並登入任何該等網址或網頁,閣下須自承風險,gift330概不負責,亦不會就此承擔任何責任。

2.     gift330對廣告商或贊助商在本網頁上載錄的資料或材料概不負責。

5. 變更

1.     gift330保留權利(但並無責任)按其絕對酌情決定對本網頁及其中所載的任何資料(包括gift330網上購物條款及條件)進行檢討、編輯或以其他方式作出變更,毋須另行通知。

 Terms & Conditions

This site has been especially designed by gift330 for Customers using its online shopping services.
If you intend to use the gift330 online shopping services or simply want to browse in the gift330 online shop or otherwise use this site, please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before using the site. By using the site or any part of it, you agree that you have read these Terms and Conditions and that you accept and agree to be bound by them.
These Terms and Conditions also apply to any order placed via telephone or facsimile.


1.     GENERAL

1.     In these Terms and Conditions the following definitions shall apply:

a.     “Customer” shall mean you and all other persons who purchase the products at gift330.

b.     “Intellectual Property” shall mean all intellectual property rights of whatsoever nature, including (without limitation) patents, designs, trademark, database or copyright, whether or not registered or registrable by any means, and the right to file an application for registration thereof.

c.      “Disclaimer” shall mean the disclaimer applicable to the gift330 online-shop service.

d.     “Personal Data & Privacy Statement” shall mean gift330′s policy regarding personal data collected in connection with this site and gift330′s policy regarding the privacy of Customers and visitors to the site.

e.     “Price” shall mean the price of a product on the day of order.

f.       “Product/Products” shall mean any and all the products for sale on gift330 online-shop.

g.     “gift330″ shall mean the seller of the products on gift330 online-shop.

h.     “gift330 online-shop” shall mean this Internet site owned by gift330 and the medium by which Products are offered for sale by gift330 to the Customer.

2.     All Products sold by gift330 through this site are subject to these Terms and Conditions. By submitting your order for processing at gift330 online-shop, you confirm that you have read, understood and agreed to the Terms and Conditions prevalent at the time your order is submitted for processing.

3.     These Terms and Conditions include Disclaimer and Personal Data & Privacy Statement and shall prevail over any other document including any gift330 shop policy purporting to have a contractual effect.

4.     The Customer agrees to provide the complete and updated information for registration on this site. For credit card payment registration, the Customer shall provide gift330 with an accurate and complete credit card information and represent and warrant to gift330 that his/her use of the credit card (details of which have been supplied) is authorised and legal.

5.     gift330 has the absolute discretion to refuse registration of a potential Customer and to terminate the registration of any Customer for any reason whatsoever.

6.     The Customer agrees to pay for every order he/her made and agrees to indemnify gift330 for all claims, loss and damages whatsoever made by any third party arising from the actions of a person placing orders for Products using the Customer’s name and credit card.  The Customer shall be responsible for notifying his bank of any changes to his record, or loss, theft and unauthorized use of his credit card.

7.     gift330 shall make every effort to fulfill orders placed by Customers through gift330 online-shop, but shall not be liable to any person if gift330 shall decline or become unable to fulfill an order for whatever reason, including supply shortage or supply modification.

8.     Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 1.7, gift330 reserves the right to decline any order it may, in its sole opinion, consider unreliable for credit reason or otherwise.

9.     All orders are subject to gift330′s acceptance at its sole discretion and stock availability.


2.     PRICE

1.     Prices for Products listed in gift330 online-shop are quoted in HK dollars and all are exclusive of taxes, import duties or VAT at the applicable rate.

2.     All prices and offers remain valid as advertised from time to time. The HKD price of a Product displayed on the online-shop at the time the order is accepted will be honoured, except in cases of patent error.

3.     If you are a customer whose credit card is not denominated in HKD, the final price will be calculated in accordance with the applicable exchange rate on the day your credit card company processes the transaction.

4.     gift330 shall make every effort to ensure that prices, details and sizes of Products detailed on gift330 online-shop are updated but gift330 reserves the right to vary the price and other details of the Products without prior notice.

5.     The prices advertised on the gift330 online-shop site are for online shopping only. Prices for some Products may differ from those charged at other gift330 related shops.

6.     Not all product size will correspond exactly to the description offered online. gift330 reserves the right to provide the nearest product size at the nearest price.

7.     There may be discrepancies between the online bill and the final bill due to out-of-stock products, substitutions, special offers, daily price changes and weighed items. gift330 reserves the right to adjust the online bill and such adjustments shall be marked on the final bill presented to the Customer at the time of delivery.

8.     If the Customer requests a variation to the order which gift330 accepts then the Price payable for the order will be adjusted accordingly to reflect the variation and shall be recorded on the final bill presented to the Customer at the time of delivery.

9.     gift330 may from time to time set credit limits for individual Customers and gift330 reserves the right to limit sales including the right to deny sales to re-sellers.


3.     PAYMENT

1.     Payment for Products ordered through gift330 online-shop can be made by credit cards (VISA/Master). Payment will be debited and cleared from your account upon dispatch of your order by gift330. You confirm that the credit/debit card that is being used is yours or that you have been specifically authorised by the owner of the credit/debit card to use it. All credit/debit card holders are subject to validation checks and authorisation by the card issuer. If the issuer of your payment card refuses to authorise payment to gift330, we will not be liable for any delay or non-delivery.

2.     gift330 will take all reasonable care, in so far as it is in our power to do so, to keep the details of your order and payment secure, but in the absence of negligence on our part we cannot be held liable for any loss you may suffer if a third party procures unauthorised access to any data you provide when accessing or ordering from the gift330 online-shop.

3.     gift330 may change at any time the method by which payments for gift330 online orders may be effected and such changes may be notified to the Customer by e-mail, mailshots or a notice placed at this site.



1.     Hong Kong

a.     Order will be processed within 14 working days upon confirmation of payment. gift330 will send order confirmation to the Customer via e-mail upon received the order as well as a notification e-mail once the package shipped.  Delivery arrangement is not available on public holidays, when Typhoon Signal No.8 (or above) or the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is hoisted.

b.     Local delivery service is not available to Discovery Bay, outlying Islands, Lo Wu, frontier closed area, village houses and P.O. Box numbers.

c.      gift330 shall not be liable for any delays or non-delivery for causes beyond its control.

d.     It is the responsibility of the Customer is provide correct and updated delivery address and to notify gift330 immediately of any change to its delivery address.

e.     gift330 reserves the right to decline delivery of the Products to any Customer at its sole discretion absolutely.

2.     Overseas

gift330 is solely for the promotion and sale of our products in Hong Kong. At this point in time, we do not accept orders from or make delivery to locations outside Hong Kong unless otherwise agreed in writing by both parties. Once gift330 is ready to accept orders from outside of Hong Kong, we will inform our customers by making an announcement on our Website.



1.     The Customer cannot vary or cancel the order after order confirmation.

2.     Subject to the Customer’s consent, gift330 may substitute a Product for another similar Product if the initial Product ordered by the Customer is unavailable.

3.     If there is no prior consent from the Customer for a substitution, no substitution will be made.


6.     TITLE

1.     All risks in the Products shall pass to the Customer upon delivery but gift330 shall retain title in the Products until full payment has been received.


1.     Pictures of Products on this site are for reference only. In such case the written description of the Product is relied upon. The Customer shall not be entitled to return a Product on the basis that it does not correspond exactly to its online picture.

2.     gift330 shall use reasonable efforts to ensure that orders are correctly fulfilled and shall deal with any discrepancies in the following manner, provided they are reported within three working days of delivery via e-mail at gift330@nlpra.org.hk , phone: (852) 2778 6023

a.     If any Product proves to have been delivered in a damaged condition, past its sell by date, omitted in the delivery, or if the wrong Product is delivered, gift330 shall either refund to the Customer the Price of that Product, or replace the Product. gift330 reserves the right to request photographic support regarding faulty or incorrect merchandise before authorizing a return.

b.     If any Product which was not included in the Customer’s order is delivered to the Customer by mistake, gift330 online-shop reserves the right to collect the wrong Product delivered.

c.      If the Customer has been charged for a Product which has not been delivered, gift330 shall refund to the Customer the Price of that Product as originally charged to the Customer.

d.     If a Customer is charged more than the Price of a Product, gift330 shall refund to the Customer the difference.

e.     gift330 will not refund or exchange goods or rectify discrepancies three days after delivery.

3.     Returns are accepted only with pick-ups from the original destination cities. All items must be returned in the same conditions as sent, in the original packages and have all original hanging tags, otherwise, returns will not be accepted.

4.     gift330′s liability to any Product delivered is limited to refund or replacement specified above. All other remedies are excluded.

5.     Refunds shall be credited, at gift330′s option, to the Customer’s credit card account as supplied in the registration form or in the form of cash.



1.     If the performance by gift330 of its obligations under gift330 online-Shop site is prevented by reason of “force majeure” (which shall include prevention occasioned by fire, casualty, accident, act of God, natural disaster, any law, order, proclamation, regulation, demand or requirement of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or of any of its government agencies, strikes, labour disputes, shortage of labour or lack of skilled labour, shortage or unavailability of products or raw materials, delay in transit or other causes whatsoever (whether similar to the foregoing or not) beyond the reasonable control of gift330), gift330 shall be excused from such performance to the extent of such prevention.



1.     gift330 reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions in its sole discretion. Customer is reminded to review the Terms and Conditions prior to submitting any order. Once an order is placed, Customer is deemed to have accepted the Terms and Conditions prevalent at the time.



1.     In the event of any discrepancy in the translation of this text, the English version shall prevail.



1.     These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Customer and gift330 agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.

Personal Data & Privacy Statement

gift330 respects the privacy rights of visitors to this site and of Customers who use gift330′s online-Shop services. No personal information is required to access this site and real names need not be used except when ordering any goods or services. No orders are accepted from anyone under 18 years of age.

gift330′s personal data & privacy policy is formulated in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486).




1.     The Customer authorises gift330 to collect, retain and use personal information about the Customer for the following purposes:

a.     providing the online shopping service to Customer;

b.     processing transaction and payment of Customer;

c.      processing Customer’s application for credit and assessing the Customer’s credit-worthiness;

d.     undertaking any dealings or transactions with the Customer and providing continuous services to the Customer;

e.     enforcing any legal or other rights gift330 may have against the Customer including credit search and collection of payment;

f.       sending the Customer any advertising and/or promotional material;

g.     conducting research on new services for Customers;

h.     customising pages for Customers and putting together Customer shopping lists;

i.       notifying Customers of special offers, new Products, updates to this site, and promotions;

j.       performing statistical and analysis of Customers’ behaviour and characteristics in order to measure their interest in and use of the various areas of the site and providing this information to advertisers together with information as to the number of users that have been exposed to or clicked on their banners;

k.      making such disclosures as may in gift330′s opinion be required for any of the above purposes.

2.     The Customer further authorises gift330 to collect personal information about the Customer from the Customer or any other source available to gift330 including but not limited to credit referral agencies, the Customer’s bank (present and past), any other suppliers of products and services to the Customer and other persons or companies with whom the Customer will have been associated.

3.     The Customer is aware that in the event that sufficient personal information is not supplied, or is not satisfactory to gift330 then his/her application for gift330 onlise

4.     Online-shop membership registration may not be accepted.

5.     The Customer is aware that any personal information supplied by the Customer will be retained by gift330 and will be accessible to gift330′s employees and other persons or bodies corporate engaged by gift330 for or in relation to any of the purposes stated in A.1 herein, or to third parties as stated in the Personal Data & Privacy Statement and the Customer authorises rwb330 to disclose all or any part of any personal information provided by the Customer to such third parties.

6.     The Customer acknowledges that gift330 shall retain all personal information supplied by the Customer and may continue to contact the Customer with marketing information even after the Customer’s registration is cancelled or withdrawn.


1.     Personal data held by gift330 relating to its online Customers or to visitors to the site will be kept confidential but gift330 may provide this information to third parties including but not limited to rwb330 advertisers, associated companies or contractors/agents or other network operators who perform certain tasks for gift330 in connection with the provision of gift330′s services to its online Customers and to visitors to this site.

2.     Any questions, comments, suggestions or information other than personal data sent or posted to the site, or any part of the site by online Customers and visitors will be deemed voluntarily provided to gift330 on a non-confidential and non-proprietary basis. gift330 reserves the right to use, reproduce, disclose, transmit, publish, broadcast and/or post elsewhere such information freely, including passing it to any associated company for example, in connection with the development, manufacture and marketing of products and services and to meet Customer’s needs.

All reasonable efforts are made to ensure that any personal data held by gift330 on this site is stored in a secure and safe place.

gift330 may use ‘cookies’ on this site in order to:

1.     enable tighter security;

2.     enable online Customers to keep browsing and adding products to their shopping basket;

3.     customize pages of this site based on the needs of individual Customers for their personal use;

4.     build online Customer or visitor profiles.

Customer who wants to disallow cookies can do so on his/her web browser.

D.     LINKS
This site may contain links to other sites and pages. By activating a link, for example by clicking on the banner of an advertiser, the Customer leaves this site and gift330 does not exercise control over any personal data or any other information the Customer gives to any other entities after the Customer has left this site.


1.     The Customer is aware of his rights under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to have access to personal information held by gift330 and to request correction of the information and to be informed of action taken in response to any such request and/or request that there be attached to the information a statement which the Customer can supply to gift330 relating to the fact that the Customer has requested a correction. The Customer agrees to pay to gift330 the reasonable charges requested by gift330 in relation to the time and attendances involved in complying with the Customer’s request in this regard.

2.     If the Customer has any questions regarding gift330′s personal data & privacy policy or if the Customer wishes to request access to his/her personal data or if he/she wishes to correct it, he/she may send a request in writing to the following address:


2/F New Life Building, 332 Nam Cheong Street, Kowloon


gift330 reserves the right to charge the Customer a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request.



1.     This site and any information available on it including, but not limited to, text, graphics, icons, images and trademarks, are protected by copyright, design, trade mark and other intellectual property rights owned or controlled by gift330 or by third parties.

2.     All right, title and interest in the Intellectual Property in this site shall at all times remain the property of gift330 and other third parties. Customers and online visitors are not authorised to use the same unless an express written permission of gift330 or such other third parties has been obtained.


1.     To the extent permitted by law, all warranties, descriptions, representations or advice given as to the fitness or suitability for any purpose, tolerance to any conditions, similarity to sample, merchantability or otherwise of the Products supplied, are expressly excluded.

2.     No agent or representative of gift330 is authorised to make any warranties, representations or statements regarding any information on this site and gift330 shall not in any way be bound by any such unauthorised warranties, representations or statements.


1.     By accessing and using this site you acknowledge and accept that the use of the site is at your own risk. gift330 shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damage or for damages for loss of profit or revenue arising out of any use of, access to, or inability to use the site. Without limiting the foregoing:
This site and all information and materials contained in it are provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind either express or implied including but not limited to any implied warranties or implied terms as to title, quality, merchantability, fitness for purpose , privacy or non-infringement.
gift330 has no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the contents of the site.
gift330 assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable (to the extent permitted by law) for any damage or injury arising out of any use of or access to the site, or any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, interception of online communication, software or hardware problems (including without limitation loss of data or compatibility problems), theft, destruction or alteration of the site, whether for breach of contract, tortious behaviour, negligence or, under any other cause of action resulting directly or indirectly from any access or use of the site, or any uploading, downloading or publication of data, text, images or other material or information to or from the site.

2.     The liability of gift330 whether in contract, tort or otherwise for any loss, damage or injury arising directly or indirectly from any defect in or non-compliance of the Products or any other breach of gift330′s obligations hereunder shall not in any event exceed an amount equivalent to the price of the Products.

3.     gift330 shall not be liable for any consequential, indirect or special damage or loss of any kind whatsoever nor shall gift330 be liable for any damage or loss caused by the Customer’s servants, agents, buyers or other persons whatsoever.

4.     The Customer shall ensure that the Products are not used for any purpose for which they are not suitable and shall be responsible for using all necessary skill and care in handling and using the Products. The Customer expressly acknowledges and agrees that gift330 assumes no obligation or liability for any advice or information given with the Products and gift330 shall not be responsible for any inaccuracy or misstatement of any such information. The Products shall be accepted by the Customer entirely at the Customer’s risk.


1.     The site may contain links to other sites and pages which are not maintained or controlled by gift330 and for which gift330 is not responsible. When you activate any of these links or pages you leave this site and access to such a site or page at your own risk for which gift330 disclaims all responsibility and liability.

2.     gift330 disclaims all liability to information or materials posted by advertisers or sponsors on this site.


1.     gift330 reserves the right but undertakes no duty to review edit or otherwise change this site and any information contained on this site including the gift330 Online Shopping Terms and Conditions at its sole discretion and without notice.